Student Handbook

Failure to examine the Student Handbook/ Code of Conduct does not excuse students from the policies and procedures described herein. Individual factors, illness, or conflicting advice from any source are not satisfactory grounds for seeking exemptions from these policies and procedures. All policies contained in the Student Handbook/Code of Conduct are subject to change without prior notice.


Southern Union is dedicated to the total development of the individual and provides many opportunities for student participation. Students bring to the campus a variety of interests as members of the academic community. Every student is urged to consider participating in the clubs, organizations, and activities of their preference. Club membership will provide an opportunity for participation in campus life and will enable students to contribute to the college and community. All club projects are coordinated through the Student Government Association (SGA).

Any club wishing to sponsor a project of any nature must secure approval from the Office of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs a minimum of two weeks in advance of the proposed project date.


As Provided By
Public Law 93-380:
Protection of Rights and Privacy of Parents and Students

Southern Union State Community College maintains information about students which facilitates educational development of the student and effective administration of the college. In order to guarantee the rights of privacy and access for all students, including those enrolled through distance education, as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Southern Union has formulated the following policies and procedures:


Southern Union State Community College is committed to the safety and well-being of its students, faculty, and staff who can help the college safeguard the campus by taking preventive measures to ensure safety.

The following guidelines are not intended to be a comprehensive list of instructions, rather a reminder of the basic steps that should be taken to minimize the risks associated with a given hazard. Since emergencies can vary greatly, the instructions provided by Southern Union State Community College and emergency personnel at the time of the incident may change or even conflict with those listed in these procedures. 

Always follow the instructions of college and emergency personnel.

General Safety Tips:

  • If you smell or see smoke or fire, pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • Trust your instincts. If a place or situation doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Leave.
  • Avoid shortcuts and isolated areas when walking after dark.
  • Don’t walk alone after dark. Early evening to late evening, travel only in groups of three or more in well-lit and heavily traveled areas.
  • When traveling in your vehicle, keep windows up and doors locked.
  • If approached, don’t resist a robber - especially if he/she has a weapon.
  • Never venture into or through dark or undesirable neighborhoods.
  • Don’t carry large sums of cash.
  • If attacked or approached by someone suspicious, contact the police immediately by calling 911. Get a good description of the person and their direction of travel.



In accordance with Act 2019-396 of the Alabama Legislature and the ACCS Board of Trustees’ Policy 224.01: Expressive Activities by the Campus Community, effective December 9, 2020, Southern Union State Community College’s implementing policy on Expressive Activities by the Campus Community is as follows:

Southern Union State Community College is dedicated to the total development of all students and is confident that its students have developed mature behavior patterns and exhibit high standards of honor and personal conduct. The college proposes to treat students according to these beliefs, but also has the responsibility of protecting the individual rights, both academic and personal, of its personnel.


The College’s residence hall is located on the Wadley campus. Applications for housing may be completed online or obtained from the Student Services office on each campus.

Residential living at Southern Union State Community College is a unique experience for many students and can prove to be a most enjoyable educational experience. Rules are inherent in a community living situation. The College has established rules and regulations to provide guidelines essential for maintaining personal freedom, academic achievement and residential harmony. By selecting Southern Union, a student agrees to abide by the standards and regulations of the college. It is the student’s obligation to become familiar with the residential policies. If a resident has any questions, concerns, comments or recommendations they should contact the Residential Hall Council and/or the Residence Hall Associates. Residential life policies are subject to changes by the College’s administration.

The College completes an annual Fire Disclosure Report. This report is available from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Chief of Campus Police, Residence Hall Associates, and the College website at

NOTE: All regulations, policies, procedures, and prices relating to the college residence halls and cafeteria are subject to change without prior notice by the college administration, Judiciary or Student Services Committee, and/or Student Government Association. Students are invited to make suggestions regarding college policies, procedures and operations to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.