Policies for Clubs and Organizations

  1. Only students who are currently enrolled have voting rights regarding membership, policies, and actions of student clubs and organizations.

  2. Faculty advisors/sponsors are required for each organization. The advisors must be on-campus and present at all regular and special meetings of the organization or at any segment or committee meeting of the organization. With the exception of the SGA and The Southerner, advisors may be chosen by the student organizations with the approval of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

  3. Student organizations are required to register their organization in the Fall of each academic year (registration documentation is available from the Coordinator of Student Life), submit a statement of purpose, criteria for membership, a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws, and a current list of officers and sources of revenue (if required for operation).

  4. Meeting dates and times of student clubs and organizations must be submitted each term to the Coordinator of Student Life for recognition on the official school calendar.

  5. Campus organizations shall be open to all eligible students without respect to race, religion, creed, disability, national origin, or gender.

  6. All clubs and organizations must conform to the laws and policies of the State of Alabama, the State Board of Education, Southern Union State Community College, and the Student Government Association.

  7. No club or organization shall interfere or support interference with the regular academic pursuit of any student by causing or encouraging non-attendance at classes or college activities without prior consent of proper college officials or by any action that might cause disruption to a student, instructor, or college activity.

  8. All fundraising activities must be approved, in advance, by the respective Dean (Academics, Health Sciences, or Technical). Fundraising is allowed by organizations officially recognized by the College. The senior officer of the organization should submit a written request to conduct fundraising activities.

  9. Clubs and Organizations are required to comply with the following:

    • Annual organization registration

    • Host one campus activity

    • Host one community activity

    • Identify one member to serve as an SGA representative to attend SGA General Meetings