The general policy of Southern Union State Community College is to refuse access to student records to third parties without the written consent of the individual student. Should a student wish to have records released, the person to whom records are to be released, and a request for copies to the student, if desired. Southern Union will then transfer or grant access to the information. The established service fee for producing photocopies of the records will be assessed against the person whose record is involved.
Students’ records may be available to the following persons under the conditions noted without written consent of the individual student:
- Official representatives of federal departments or agencies or state education authorities for purposes of audits, evaluative studies, etc. Data collected will be protected to prevent personal identification except when specifically authorized by federal law. The data or copies that may be on file at Southern Union State Community College will be destroyed when no longer needed.
- Financial aid officers when such information is relevant to financial aid needs analysis or other aspects of determining and/or renewing financial assistance to the individual student.
- Recognized educational accrediting organizations.
- Organizations conducting studies for administrative evaluation tests, etc.
- Other appropriate persons in an emergency to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals attending the institution.
A record of requests of access, the legitimate interest involved, and action taken will be placed in the student’s file for all requests of the file, except those from school officials as noted in paragraph one.
Inspection of individual student records will be supervised by the appropriate records official, and the student’s file shall not be removed from the designated record official’s office. The student may obtain one unofficial copy of his academic record with a written request without charge. An unofficial copy is defined as a copy that does not bear the official seal of the college impressed on the record, but otherwise a true copy when released by the college records official. Records officials will not copy or otherwise reproduce copies of official student transcripts and other information obtained from transfer students as official transfer requirements.