Emergency Procedures: SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS
Severe Thunderstorm - A storm capable of producing wind gusts of at least 58 mph and/or hail at least 1 inch in diameter.
Severe Thunderstorm Watch - Issued by the National Weather Service when severe weather conditions are possible in the area.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning - Issued by the National Weather Service when severe weather has been sighted in the area.
General Tips
- Find a safe shelter.
- Monitor local news media and the College website for closings/delays.
- DO NOT call 911 unless there is an emergency or you need immediate assistance.
- Unplug appliances and other electrical items like computers or televisions.
- Power Surges can cause serious damage
- Avoid showering or general bathing
- Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity
- Use a corded telephone ONLY for emergencies; cordless or cell phones are safe to use - lightning can travel through telephone lines.
- Secure all objects that could blow away or cause additional damage.
- Keep all exterior doors closed and stay away from windows.
Avoid the Following
- Natural lightening rods like tall trees in an open area
- Hilltops, open fields, the beach, or a boat on water
- Isolated sheds or other small structures in large, open areas
- Metal objects - motorcycles, golf carts, golf clubs, bicycles, etc.
If Outside
- Immediately find a safe indoor shelter or a hard-top automobile.
- If you are trapped outdoors and unable to find a safe shelter, lie in a ditch or any low-lying area with few trees, or crouch near a strong building for shelter.
- Rubber-soled shoes and rubber tires provide NO protection from lightning.