Rules and Regulations


Residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their own room and bathrooms. The College unconditionally reserves the right to inspect all portions of rooms at times convenient to its staff and to require minimum standards of cleanliness. Repair requests should be reported to the Residence Hall Associates.


All residence hall meetings scheduled by the Residence Hall Associates, Deans, or President are mandatory. These meetings are kept to a minimum timeframe and provide important information to the residents.


All persons must be fully clothed when in the lounges, lobbies, and/or common areas.


A room may be searched for the safety, security, and maintenance of an educational atmosphere. Searches may be conducted if there is reasonable cause to believe that a student is using the room for a purpose in violation of federal laws, state laws, local laws, or college regulations. Room searches, except one conducted by law enforcement officers with duly issued search warrants, must be approved by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and/or the Residence Hall Associates.


  1. Residents will be responsible for any loss or damage to his/her assigned room or to the furniture, fixtures, equipment, both inner and outer doors, and effects contained therein, and for any damage or loss caused by him/her to any part of the residence hall.
  2. Where two or more residents are involved in damage to college property and it can not be ascertained which student is responsible for the damage or loss, an assessment will be made against both or all equally.
  3. The use of such materials as paste, glue, nails, tacks, staples, screws, etc., on walls, furniture and woodwork (including inside and outside doors) is prohibited.


The first step toward success at Southern Union begins with good study habits. Reasonable QUIET TIME is expected in the residence halls at all times.

COURTESY HOURS are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week in all areas of the residence hall including student rooms, study suites, hallways, common areas and lobby. During courtesy hours a resident is encouraged to ask noisy residents to reduce their noise. The resident(s) causing the noise are expected to comply with re quests that reduce or eliminate noise. Please display courtesy to other students; playing a musical instrument, radio, tape/CD player or television loudly enough to be heard outside the room is prohibited.

QUIET HOURS are in effect each night from 11:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. with the exception of Friday and Saturday. On Friday and Saturday, Quiet Hours begin at 12:00 midnight and end at 10:00 a.m. the following morning. Unnecessary noises and disturbances are not permitted. During final exam week, all hours are considered quiet time.

VISITATION: The residence lobby is for the use and convenience of students and their invited guests. This area is not designed for unscheduled group activities. Residents and guests are asked not to create unnecessary noise. Violators will be asked to leave the area. All current residents may visit other residents at any time as long as they are invited and the roommate consents.

ALL guests and residents are required to comply with Southern Union policies and procedures.


  1. Visitation hours are 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
  2. Visitors are required to sign-in. They must also leave identification with the residence hall staff at the lobby desk.
  3. The resident/host must meet the visitor in the lobby to sign them in and out of visitation.
  4. Visitors must be accompanied by their host while in the residence hall at all times.
  5. The resident/host is responsible for the actions of their guest(s).
  6. Visitors must be at least 18 years of age or Southern Union students or members of the student’s immediate family.
  7. Compliance with the College’s overnight guest policy is required. (See Overnight Guests)
  8. Failure to comply with guidelines can result in disciplinary actions.
  9. Visitors are not allowed in outside areas around the campus after 11:00 p.m.


Residence hall disciplinary issues are adjudicated by the Residence Hall Associates, Chief of Campus Police, and/or the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.