Associate in Applied Science (AAS)

ADN Mobility



LPNs and other non-nursing professionals (Paramedics, Physical Therapist Assistants, Medical Assistant Technologists, Radiologic Technologists, and Surgical Technologists) may earn the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing (ADN) in three semesters by successfully completing one semester of transition* courses and the final two semesters of the Nursing Program. Following graduation from the College, the graduate is eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Upon successful completion of the examination, the graduate will be eligible to practice as a Registered Nurse.

The Associate Degree Nursing Program is fully approved by the Alabama Board of Nursing and accredited by The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

*Note: Policies subject to change due to statewide standardization of nursing programs.

See prerequisite listing under Admission Requirements. 

Admission Requirements for ADN Mobility Program

In addition to the general admission requirements for the College, admission to the LPN to ADN Mobility option requires:

  1. Applicant meets all Nursing Program general admission requirements including unconditional admission to the College.
  2. Non-nursing applicants to have an AAS degree and current licensure or certification as an Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic, Medical Assistant Technologist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic Technologist,  Surgical Technologist; and for Practical Nurses to have a certificate and current unencumbered or non-restricted license as a Practical Nurse in Alabama.
  3. One year of full time work experience with direct patient care in field of study documented on company letterhead and signed by HR or employment administrator.
  4. Proof of CNA course completion for non-nursing applicants (certification not required).
  5. Official transcripts in Records Office from ALL postsecondary institutions attended.
  6. Transfer students must enter SUSCC on clear academic status (cumulative 2.0 gpa).
  7. An official score on ACT National or ACT Residual with a minimum composite score of 18.
  8. Receipt of application for the Mobility Option.   
  9. Completion of prerequisite general education courses with minimum grade of “C.”

   Courses are:
          BIO 201   Human Anatomy & Physiology I
          BIO 202   Human Anatomy & Physiology II
          ENG 101  English Composition I
          MTH 100  Intermediate College Algebra (or higher)
          PSY 210   Human Growth and Development
          SPH 107  Fundamentals of Public Speaking (or SPH 106)
         *BIO 201 is a prerequisite to BIO 202.
Total Prerequisites Required:  20 credit hours  

Admission to the ADN Mobility Program is competitive, and the number of students admitted is limited by the number of clinical facilities available. After meeting minimal requirements, applicants are rank-ordered for acceptance using a points system based on score on the ACT National or ACT Residual and quality points from selected college courses.   Additional points may be awarded.  Please see program application worksheet for criteria.

Note:  (for graduates of Alabama Community College System PN programs)
Licensed Practical nurses who have completed the standardized statewide CBC practical nurse curriculum (semesters 1-3) from a college inside the Alabama Community College System can request a Nursing Transfer Application by emailing Please see the Nursing Transfer Policy. Qualified applicants are admitted as clinical space permits. 
 Students who are unsuccessful in NUR 211 are eligible to apply for the LPN Mobility Program ( NUR 209 entry). These students must meet all admissions requirements for mobility, including a 2.5 cumulative GPA and valid Alabama Practical Nursing License.

First Term

After successful completion of NUR 209, the student will be awarded 15 hours of nontraditional credit in addition to the 10 hours for the course for a total of 25 hours.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Second Term

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Third Term

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits