Associate in Science (AS)

General Education Core

Area I: Written Composition

Study in this area addresses effective written communication skills, which are essential in a literate society.

  • ENG 101 and ENG 102 
    • A minimum grade of C is required in both courses to graduate.
Sub-Total Credits

Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts*

Study in the humanities addresses the ability to deal with questions of values, ethics, or aesthetics as they are represented in literature, philosophy, religion, and the arts, and is fundamental to general education. In addition to literature, disciplines in the humanities and fine arts include, but are not limited to, area/ethnic studies, art and art history, ethics, foreign languages, music and music history, philosophy, religious studies, speech, and theater.

Sub-Total Credits

Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Study in the natural sciences and mathematics emphasizes the scientific method and applies quantitative or inductive reasoning. In addition to mathematics, disciplines in the natural sciences include, but are not limited to, astronomy, biological sciences, chemistry, earth science, geology, physical geography, physical science, and physics.

BIO 101 and BIO 103 or CHM 104 and CHM 111 cannot be taken together to fulfill the science requirements of Area III.

Note: BIO 201, BIO 202, BIO 220 are not natural sciences and will not fulfill the Area III requirement for an Associate in Science degree.

Sub-Total Credits

Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences*

Study in history and the social and behavioral sciences deals primarily with the study of human behavior, social and political structures, and economics. In addition to history, disciplines include, but are not limited to, anthropology, economics, geography, political science, psychology, and sociology.

  • **Must complete a minimum of three (3) semester hours in History. A maximum of six (6) semester hours are allowed in Area IV. Additional hours will count in Area V. HIS 101 and/or HIS 102 or HIS 201 and/or HIS 202
  • Must complete a minimum of six (6) semester hours from among other disciplines in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Choose from the following courses: ECO 231, ECO 232, GEO 100, POL 211, PSY 200, PSY 210, or SOC 200


Sub-Total Credits

Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses*

Area V is designated for courses appropriate to the degree/major requirements of the indi- vidual student.

Students completing courses that have been approved for the General Education Curriculum and are appropriate to their major and/or degree program may transfer these courses with credit applicable to their degree program among Alabama’s two-year and four-year colleges and universities. (See an academic advisor or

Sub-Total Credits

*ENGINEERING EXCEPTIONS: For all engineering majors, the AGSC voted to allow the hour requirements in Area II to be reduced from 12 SH to 9 SH and in Area IV to be reduced from 12 SH to 9 SH. This reduction allowed for additional hours (6 semester hours) to be added to Area V for engineering majors so that required math and science courses could be taken prior to transfer that would meet national engineering accredita- tion standards (ABET). The ACCS has adopted this exception. Engineering students may take 9 hours in Area II, 9 hours in Area IV, and 25 to 29 hours in Area V.

**Must complete a 6 semester hour sequence either in Literature or in History. The sequences in Area II and IV in Literature or History need to follow the sequence require- ments according to the students’ major and transfer plans.

***Respective programs of study for baccalaureate degrees at Alabama Public Universi- ties range from 120-128 semester credit hours in length. Dependent upon the total hours allocated for the bachelor’s degrees, institutions in The Alabama Community College System are authorized to provide only 50 percent of that total (60-64 hours).

Note: The courses that are approved as part of the Alabama General Education Cur- riculum for Areas I - IV are denoted with an * in the Course Descriptions section of this Catalog.

Total Credits