New Organizations

The Student Government Association is receptive to the formation and support of a variety of new clubs, activities, and organizations. Students interested in forming a new organization should submit the following items to the Student Life Coordinator:

Requirements to develop a new organization:

  1. Obtain the organizational form for new campus clubs and organizations from the Coordinator of Student Life. Provide the following information:
    1. Official name of the organization
    2. Purpose of the organization
    3. List of proposed charter members
    4. List of proposed officers
    5. Statement of when, where, and how often the meeting will occur
    6. Name of faculty/staff advisor with a statement indicating their desire to serve as advisor for the organization
    7. Constitution and bylaws (including acknowledging that the organization is subject to the College rules, regulations and policies and an anti-hazing statement)
    8. Source of Revenue
  2. All organizations shall be voted on by the SGA. The SGA president will make a recommendation to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs regarding approval or denial of the request for formal recognition. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will notify the SGA president, in writing, of the decision.