Emergency Procedures: WINTER WEATHER


Emergency Procedures: WINTER WEATHER



Winter Storm Watch - Issued by the National Weather Service when a winter storm is possible in the area.

Winter Storm Warning - Issued by the National Weather Service when a winter storm is occurring or will soon occur in the area.

Freezing Rain - Rain that freezes upon hitting the ground by creating a coating of ice on roads, walkways, trees, and power lines.

Sleet - Rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet can create moisture on the roads that freezes, becoming slippery.

Frost/Freeze Warning - Issued by the National Weather Service when below freezing temperatures are expected in the area.

General Tips

  • Monitor local news media for weather reports and emergency information.
  • Check the college website at www.suscc.edu for class cancellations/college closings.
  • Stay clear of dropped or sagging power lines.
  • Stay inside if possible. Use extreme caution when walking outside or driving.

If you must travel:

  • Travel during the day
  • Stay on main roads; avoid back-road shortcuts
  • Carry emergency supplies or kits
  • Dress warmly to prevent frostbite or hypothermia